Thursday 23 July 2009

My day

Today I tidied my wardrobe (after days of stalling and general can't be botheredness...)
Here it is before my tidy up->

Here is the crap I am chucking out. ->

And Ta Da the finished product. Neat huh, and shockingly different from the first pic ;)
Exciting stuff, I know but meh it needed done and I thought I would document my experience- lol! Oooh and my wardrobe doors shut now too- woo hoo! :)

Monday 20 July 2009


I am making choc chip cookies- sounds nice right? Only I followed a recipe that said makes 60 (yes 60) but it only had 115g flour and 1 egg so I thought ok it won't make that much...I'll just do it all (coz how could I half/quarter an egg for a smaller recipe?). It made an average looking amount which I put onto a tray in 12 medium sized blobs....
15 mins later it looks like this.... a giant mass of cookie dough in the oven... bad!

Brand New Blog!

Ding dong the wicked b**** is dead (not really... but we officially no longer share a residence).
So this blog is getting an update, instead of moaning about 'it' all the time instead I will just post random things from my everyday life (like my favourite blog- Jorge Garcia's!)- this may include some moaning!