Thursday 23 July 2009

My day

Today I tidied my wardrobe (after days of stalling and general can't be botheredness...)
Here it is before my tidy up->

Here is the crap I am chucking out. ->

And Ta Da the finished product. Neat huh, and shockingly different from the first pic ;)
Exciting stuff, I know but meh it needed done and I thought I would document my experience- lol! Oooh and my wardrobe doors shut now too- woo hoo! :)

1 comment:

  1. Whaley, you have a new blog?!?! Why didn't you tell me? I only clicked here because I saw you'd left a comment on Jorge's blog! Love it so far!!

    I too am relieved we're free of the toilet monster and that freezing cold shit-hole of a flat...but the thought of the former is seriously putting me off going back to uni! Not the mention the copious amounts of work! Poo! Anyway speak to you soon.

